09/11/19 DR. ROBERT SUNGENIS TONITE! : Opinion on Sedevacantist Gerry Matatics, What Jesus Did on the Cross
https://youtu.be/U5AE42NVVGc 1. Summary of the Doctrine of Salvation; propitiation vs expiation, justification vs sanctification, Protestant vs Catholic views 2. Is hell in the center of the Earth? Purgatory and Limbo? 3. What heaven is like 4. Thoughts about Gerry Matatics and Sedevacantism 5. Essence vs Energy Debate with Orthodox 6. Is it a sin to say rude thing about a priest 7. Is the Mass a propitiatory sacrifice vs James White, favorite part, White's book Fatal Flaw 8. Interpretation of Genesis, literally, the Catholic hermeneutic 9. The Eucharist, Transubstantiation