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QA - Question 258 – Does Quanto Conficiamur Moerore deny Original Sin? 4 (July 3, 2010)

July 3, 2010 Question 258 – Does Quanto Conficiamur Moerore deny Original Sin? 4 "RS: We are not judging God. We are merely accepting God’s testimony that he is a fair and just God and does not lie, and we make our subsequent conclusions on that basis."   DF: God is fair and just, but He says nowhere in scripture that an unrighteous, depraved, fallen sinner, can be saved by general revelation or by looking looking at nature. If fact, he says they ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation.   RS: Read Romans 2:6-8 or Romans  2:14  again. In the latter,  St.  Paul says that some men disobey and some men “do instinctively the things of the law.” It is these same men who obey that , in vr. 13, are said to be “justified by their works.” Don, your problem is that you’ve already decided that you must exclude these passages from your understanding of how God works in salvation. Instead of believing that God wants to save the Amazon and is wai...

QA - Question 194 – Is the Last Supper Commemorative of a Seder Meal? (November 7, 2009)

Question 194 – Is the Last Supper Commemorative of a Seder Meal? …Also, I recall that you [Bob Sungenis] and I dialogued several years ago about the Hahnian Third Cup interpretation. Through the use of the Greek, you proved quite definitively that the Last Supper could not have been the Four Cup seder, based on the Greek words for leavened and unleavened bread (the artos, etc. analysis). Can you please find or repeat that analysis? That completely undermines the Third Cup interpretation. I appreciate it. -John [Salza] ___ Here I am leading a 2 part study on the Mass for our K of C Church and Bible Study, and last week singing the praises of Scott Hahn's analysis of the 4 cup Seder, bridging the Last Supper to the Cross, and now I find out its off base??? Indeed, do tell... Is this in an old article we no longer have up on the site?AMDG. -Laurence Gonzaga ___ Laurence, I thought Hahn’s interpretation was at least an interesting speculation until about five years ago, when I actually...

R. Sungenis & M.Selbrede Respond to Robert Carter Re Geocentrism

On May 2, 2016, I published a 125‐page critique of Robert Carter’s paper, “Why the Universe does not Revolve Around the Earth: Refuting Absolute Geocentrism” at (‐content/uploads/2016/05/Why‐the‐Universe‐does‐not‐revolve‐ around‐the‐Earth.pdf) Robert Carter Since then, Carter replied in a paper stated to be published on September 6, 2016 titled: “Refuting absolute geocentrism: Refutation of our detractors” at (‐geocentrism‐ response). I cordially thank Dr. Carter for responding. It’s not often we get Protestant Creationists to engage at such a deep level. I wish more would do so. In fact, since Dr. Carter mentioned my name several times in his paper (but mentions no other geocentrist), I hereby make a public offer to Dr. Carter or any Protestant Creationist associated with either CRS, CRI, AIG, or any such ministry, to provide their best credentialed member to engag...

12/09/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

December 9, 2020 1. Is there a difference between the creation vs. the function of matter? 2. What 3 questions would you ask Einstein if you could? 3. What do we say to claims the Catholic Church started the Islamic faith? 4. Doesn’t General Relativity make moot the geo-heliocentric debate? 5. Would you be willing to go on a respectable atheist podcast? 6. Some comments on the evils of socialism. 7. Comments on how communism is infiltrating America. 8. Why do the books of Sirach and Wisdom speak of wisdom as a she? 9. Further comments on the consecration of Russia. 10. Why was John the Baptist unsure of Jesus’ status yet they were cousins? 11. Do you think the Antichrist will be a communist? 12. What are ring lasers and how are they different from sapphire oscillators? 13. Is it possible that the Covid-19 virus is a Masonic hoax? 14. Comments on Father Rutler. 15. What is the binding of Satan in the Apocalypse? 16. Explanation of par...

DEBATE The Holy Spirit Continues to Guide the Roman Catholic Church - Robert Sungenis vs Kerry Duke

DEBATE True Meaning of Scripture Can Be Gained By An Individual - Robert Sungenis vs Kerry Duke

Voting irregularities pile up in key battleground states

12/08/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

December 8, 2020 1. Comments on feckless bishops and the state of the world. 2. What is your view of Opus Dei? 3. Is it a sin to use lethal force to protect your gun rights? 4. Is it a sin to use lethal force to avoid forced vaccination? 5. Comments on vaccines and microchips. 6. Comments on the End Times. 7. Comments on a cure for Covid-19. 8. Follow up on which bible best matches up the OT and NT? 9. How to answer a 7th Day Adventist about the Pope. 10. Why was Man given free will, yet in heaven he can’t sin? 11. If angels could sin before, why can’t they still sin now? 12. Shouldn’t we want to go heaven soon rather than living long? 13. Why is there temporal punishment after we confess our sins? 14. Can Mary answer our prayers, or does she only intercede? 15. Can Mary give graces? 16. Do sapphire oscillators prove the ether exists? 17. What do you think about Pope Francis saying gay marriage is ok? 18. What does the CCC say abo...

12/02/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

December 2, 2020 1. Thoughts on Scientology. 2. Is a soundtrack for Journey to the Center of the Universe for sale? 3. Thoughts on predestination per John 6:44. 4. Thoughts on the “Illumination of Conscience” visions. 5. Comments on satellite/clock experiments. 6. Would you consider doing a debate on Sedevacantism? 7. Why is communion in the hand OK if priests practice ablution? 8. Comments on the Pope Paul VI imposter theory. 9. Comments on Sr. Lucia’s views of the Russian consecration. 10. Further comments on eagles eating carrion. 11. What would happen if a pope tried to make a heresy a dogma? 12. Do actors sin by pretending to be someone they aren’t? 13. Could man arrange atoms in a cell to produce life? 14. Are we seeing a resurgence of Catholicism in France? 15. What’s wrong with Pentecostal churches? 16. Did Jesus’ soul enter limbo while he was in the tomb? 17. Will homosexuality cause the downfall of the Church? 18. Why di...

12/01/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

December 1, 2020 1. Was Jesus crucified naked? 2. Views on “Ancient Records and the Structure of Genesis”. 3. Does a Limbo of the Fathers exist? 4. How do we deal with COVID-19 fanatics? 5. Must the un-baptized confess their sins to become Catholic? 6. Views on quantum mechanics. 7. Was St. Thomas a humanist? 8. Why do some apologists have such a high view of paleontology? 9. Who are some of your favorite apologist? 10. What’s a good book on the chronologies of the Gospels & Acts? 11. Does Matt. 24:28 refer to vultures or to eagles? 12. Would it be good if a nation required its people to be Catholic? 13. Is it correct to say that God died on the Cross? 14. Do you teach RCIA at your parish? 15. Which religions are the closest to Christianity? 16. Which bible translation best matches up the OT and NT?

11/24/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

November 24, 2020 1. How do we handle Jewish objections to Christianity? 2. What is your view of QAnon? 3. Was Stalin all bad if he opened Churches and banded abortion? 4. Is there a bible that fixes the OT errors in the Jerome bible? 5. Clarifications on life, death and the afterlife. 6. If God is all-powerful, why is there evil in the world? 7. Who is the author of Genesis? 8. Should we be wary of a Covid-19 vaccine? 9. Thoughts on the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum? 10. Can a demon be “in love” with a woman, as in the book of Tobit? 11. Are you now selling the 12th edition of Galileo Was Wrong? 12. Must one receive Communion for each plenary indulgence? 13. Could you talk about Fundamentalism and Charismatics? 14. Can pagans who never hear of Jesus be saved? 15. Why does God allow demons and false teachers to deceive us?

11/18/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

November 18, 2020 1. Why do your book orders sometimes take so long to arrive? 2. Is it true that you sometimes mock those that condemn Catholicism? 3. Is it true we can reject some Catholic proclamations based on conscience? 4. If Adam hadn’t sinned, would Man have eventually overpopulated the Earth? 5. Who or what is that which restrains the katoikon prior to the Antichrist? 6. Was the MMX debunked by Earth moving relative to the ether and not the Sun? 7. Have the Churches in the East always rejected the Pope as they claim? 8. Were Neanderthals descended from Adam? 9. Why is Peter sometimes called Cephas the bible? 10. Who or what is the “restrainer” in the Apocalypse? 11. How does John the Baptist know Jesus’ response means He is the Christ? 12. If we can’t trust science half the time, how can we trust any history? 13. Which language do you know better: Greek or Hebrew? 14. Why does God get mad? Why did he get mad at Moses? 15. Di...

11/17/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

November 17, 2020 1. Clarification: Deacons CAN perform weddings, but can’t say Mass at them. 2. How to deal with a strongly anti-catholic person? 3. Why did Jesus say to Mary: “Woman, what is that to me and thee”, in John 2:4? 4. What is your view of hypnosis? Is it dangerous? 5. What is your view of E. Michael Jones’ new book “Logos Rising”? 6. What did Jesus mean when he said “Whoever is not against us is for us”? 7. Should we take the book of Judith figuratively as many Catholics do? 8. Is the Behemoth in Job 40 a dinosaur? 9. Does Francis’ filling the College of Cardinals with liberals mean the future is bleak? 10. How can we choose good Judges if they hide their views in confirmation hearings? 11. Does being a good catholic mean agreeing with a Pope who contradicts a prior Pope? 12. What’s the best argument for geocentrism? And the best against heliocentrism? 13. Will the Antichrist be from the government or from the Vatican? 14....

11/11/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

November 11, 2020 1. New science information on the Axis of Evil and a rotating universe. 2. Discussion on The McCarrick Report and Archbishop Viganò’s response. 3. Can a priest baptize a person who believes in Jesus but not in everything Catholic? 4. Must I be reconciled to my former Protestant Church before becoming Catholic? 5. Does “He will reconcile all things to himself in heaven and earth” include fallen angels? 6. How exactly does the Cross reconcile all things back to God? 7. Is there a precise list of Church Dogmas? Where would one find such a list? 8. Is the vaccine for Covid-19 the Mark of the Beast? 9. Is the reported of a letter from King Abgar to Jesus true? 10. Is it true that light speed changes when traveling through valleys as in “branch flow”? 11. Could it be that the Sun is the center of mass of the universe instead of the earth? 12. Isn’t the Filioque just a power trip between East and West? 13. Why is Sunday not th...

11/10/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

November 10, 2020 1. Should a woman be legally punished for having an abortion? 2. Is it sinful to change the conditions of a personal vow we make? 3. Proof or not of Pope Paul VI being a homosexual. 4. Discussion on ascent to different levels of authoritative statements. 5. Re: Pope Leo XIII’s vision of Jesus giving the devil 100 years. Is it over? 6. Thoughts on “Bechamp or Pasture?” on biology. 7. Thoughts on the current voter fraud. 8. Who is the legitimate president today? 9. Was the Book of Enoch included among the Dead Sea Scrolls? 10. If Vatican II wasn’t declared infallible, could it thus contain errors? 11. Do you think Viganò speaks out against Francis out of jealousy? 12. How will you get an Imprimatur/Nihil Obstat for your new commentary? 13. Thoughts on the current voter fraud. 14. Did Biden’s “votes” violate Benford’s law? 15. How do you explain the Israelite concept of slavery in the OT? 16. Are Orthodox sacraments v...

The Underbelly of Modern Science: Interview by ISOC's Judith Sharpe


DEBATE: Papal Infallibility Debate - Robert Sungenis (Catholic) vs James White (Calvinist)

NEW DVD: How the World Was Made Preview

Purchase the DVD

10/07/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

October 7, 2020 1. Will you make your new movie available in digital downloadable form? 2. Do higher-level Magisterial documents overrule contradictions in lower-level ones? 3. What is the difference between mortal sin and spiritual imperfection? 4. Does the “law of a jealous husband” in Numbers 5 give an excuse for abortion? 5. What is the best defense for the deuterocanonical books of the Bible? 6. Further discussion on what makes baptisms valid. 7. Comments on Pope Francis’ new encyclical Fratelli tutti. 8. Which Bernard Cohen book said Copernicus influenced philosophy more than knowledge? 9. Why are you a heretic that promotes the Vatican II Protestant occult church? 10. Did anything exceptional come out of Vatican II? 11. What is the best apologetic to bring Protestants back to the Catholic Church? 12. What is the best economic system? 13. What is the best argument against the radiometric carbon dating method? 14. How can I become...

10/06/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

October 6, 2020 1. Pope’s decree on Indulgences during Covid-19. 2. How to find the list of questions from previous shows. 3. Further clarification of Natural Selection. 4. More comments on turning the other cheek? 5. Elaboration on the infinite regress question regarding infallibility. 6. Further comments on capitalism vs. socialism. 7. Can two souls inhabit one body such as in conjoined twins? 8. Can a soul split or multiply into two separate persons? 9. Is a person allowed to marry conjoined twins? 10. Is a Protestant baptism valid if the water and the words are not simultaneous? 11. If receiving in hand is Ok, why do priests practice ablution after Mass? 12. Would you consider doing a debate on Sedevacantism or Vatican II? 13. What is your view of Archbishop Viganò’s opposition to Vatican II? 14. Why do you believe the theory of there being an imposter Sister Lucia? 15. Thoughts on David Wemhoff’s views of Americanism and the Cath...

09/30/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

September 30, 2020 1. What is the role of the Church in politics and endorsing of political parties? 2. How can I teach young children about geocentrism? 3. What does “I will pour out my Spirit in the last days” mean? 4. Comments on Casti cunnubii and contraception. 5. What do you think of Michael S. Heiser? 6. What are your thoughts on redaction criticism of the bible? 7. What bible translations do you recommend? 8. What do you think about the Q-Source hypothesis? 9. Can we get a recommended book list from you? 10. Comments on Baptist preachers. 11. Is it OK to pray the Rosary while smoking a cigar? 12. Is it beneficial to pray for Protestants or non-believers who have died? 13. Why isn’t the Book of Enoch in the bible? 14. What would you tell Pope Francis if you had the chance? 15. Why was Pope Paul VI attracted to Jacques Maritain’s Integral Humanism? 16. Is refusing to help a dying person the same as murder in the Church’s eyes? 1...

09/29/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

September 29, 2020 1. What to do when the Novus Ordo and Traditionalist priests both teach false doctrines? 2. When we marry, do we then have four parents? 3. Does oil come from dinosaur remains? 4. Were there any female Apostles as some claim? 5. What are the 3 hardest questions for non-Geocentrists to answer? 6. If Newton’s F=ma is wrong, how can we build structures using that formula? 7. What is the greatest heresy today besides modernism? 8. The original reason for Creation was the glory of God, not salvation, right? 9. Are we required to do abstain from meat on Fridays?

09/23/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

September 23, 2020 1. Should Genesis 3:15 be read as “He shall crush” or “She shall crush”? 2. Does an incorrect baptismal formula really make a baptism invalid? 3. Wouldn’t a location on Earth point toward, then away, from the sun at 6-month intervals? 4. Aren’t we supposed to pray for Ruth Bader Ginsburg? 5. Thoughts on Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court? 6. What’s your favorite James White debate? Did he ever ask to debate Sola Scriptura? 7. When will the full version of “The Church vs. Galileo” be completed? 8. Did any Catholic monarchs embrace the divine right of kings? 9. If you had the money, what experiment would you do to prove geocentrism? 10. Did the dinosaurs live before the flood? If not, why were they included on the ark? 11. How long did “Not by Bread Alone” take to research and write? Any tips for new writers? 12. Why do some Catholic parishes say the Democrats are of the devil? 13. Does Jesus stay in the...

09/22/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

September 22, 2020 1. Should we pray and hope that Ginsburg made it to purgatory? 2. Is the KJV not a real bible since it wasn’t approved by the Church? 3. Taylor Marshall and his views on the infiltration of the Church. 4. Should we convert to Greek Orthodoxy? Do they have a better claim? 5. The Melchizedek vs. the Levitical priesthood. 6. Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Like Leviathan or Behemoth? 7. Thoughts on the various groups within the Traditional movement. 8. Did Lazarus go to heaven, or limbo, before being resurrected? 9. Are you weak on the Traditional Latin Mass, as some claim? 10. If you could go back in time, what would be your top 3 destinations? 11. Comments on archeologists that try to disprove the Exodus. 12. Why do textbooks change pictures of the earth’s tilt to point toward Polaris? 13. If the Church and the canon each say the other is infallible, how can we know either? 14. How do we return youth to the Churc...

A Critique of Keith Mathison's book: “The Shape of Sola Scriptura”

  Mathison's Basic Premise: From the very beginning of Mathison's book, we are taken aback by the haunting admission he reveals in the opening pages. He writes: "As I reflect upon the completion of this book, I cannot help but smile in wonder at the amazing providence of God. When I began to study this topic almost five years ago, I did not think that I wanted to write a book on the subject. After several years of study my thoughts on the matter changed somewhat. I became absolutely certain that I did not want to write a book on the subject...This book only exists because Doug Jones at Canon Press asked me to write it..." I must admit, after reviewing Mathison's book from cover to cover, I can see why he hesitated to write it. Without any personal animosity toward Keith (for I have never met or talked with Keith), I must, nevertheless say, without equivocation, that The Shape of Sola Scriptura is one of the most shortsighted, ill thought-out, and error-laden works...