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Showing posts from April, 2020

04/29/20 - Robert Sungenis Live - Death Penalty, Adam and Eve, Ordinary Magisterium, JP2 is a Saint, Pangea, Old Covenant, Theology of the Body, James White

1.       Comments on the Death Penalty. 2.       Why did Adam and Eve became ashamed of their bodies? 3.       What was “the knowledge of good and evil”? 4.       Is the Ordinary Magisterium of the Catholic Church ALWAYS infallible? 5.       Are the incorrupt bodies proof of saints and the supernatural faith of Catholicism? Because some claims there are incorrupt gurus too. 6.       Do you believe JP2 is a Saint? 7.       Did something like Pangea really exist hundreds of millions of years ago where all the continents were joined together? Or are the positions of all the continents today, the same as in the beginning of the world? 8.       Can you be saved if you don’t go to Church but do the right things when making decisions? 9.       In the Go...

04/28/20 - Robert Sungenis Live - Michael the archangel, age of the earth, “Q” document, COVID19, Matthew 10:21 and Matthew 10:34-37, catholic or orthodox, Catholic podcasts for live interviews, 3rd Secret of Fatima, Tim Gordon’s show Rules for Retrogrades, Bro. Peter Dimond

1.       Are we in error making Michael the archangel a Saint? What about 1 Peter 1:12? Don’t angels long to look into our salvation? How do we explain an Angel is a St.? 2.       What is your take on the age of the earth? Anne Catherine Emmerich’s writings say, “Christ was born when the year of the world 3,997 was not yet quite completed”. Is the age of the world 6,000 years? 3.       Can you again explain why the “Q” document is an error and the gospel writers did not rely on it? In the NAB intro on Matthew they talk about it as if they did rely on it. 4.       I believe that the unmoving Earth is at the center of the universe and that the entire universe rotates daily around the Earth. In this system, what accounts for the different SEASONS of the year? 5.       Do any of the Sungenises have Covid-19? 6.       During th...

04/22/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

April 22, 2020 1.        Cornelius Lapide says that the original Gospel of Mark was written in Greek and Latin also. He refers to a relic of the original which had then faded to white. What are your thoughts on that? 2.        What do you think of St. Alfonso Lagorio’s Moral Theologia? And do you agree that he is a new Thomas Aquinas for moral theology? 3.        Comments on Dr. Brandt Pitre’s explanation of the Eucharist mystery in “The Forth Cup, Jesus, and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist”. 4.        Thoughts on Cardinal Timothy Dolan and the fiasco involving the venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen. 5.        Should Catholics join SSPX and FSSP parishes? Is one recommended over the other? 6.        Did Trent teach that ALL merit in one’s life is lost by one mortal sin or only if one dies in th...

04/21/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

April 21, 2020 1.        Everything we say has an effect on people. 2.        If God is pure act and has no potentialities that can be actualized, what do we say of the incarnation of Christ where arguably his form changed to that of a man, hence actualizing a potency? 3.        Do you believe the [Covid-19] pandemic is one of many chastisements on the world by God for its sins? 4.        Is it true that as long as we are living, the Devil is free to do as much as Christ allows? 5.        What are the conditions for a true Catholic martyrdom unto death? Can a Catholic seek out martyrdom, or must it seek him out? 6.        If Sunday is the first day of the week, isn’t Sunday the last day of Creation where God rested? 7.        In Matt 23, when Jesus says to do as ...

New Book! CASB Volume X, The Epistles to Timothy and Titus: Exegetical Commentary

The CASB Volume X, The Epistles to Timothy and Titus, is a verse-by-verse commentary of each book. Within the body of the biblical text, certain words are boldfaced and followed by a footnote number. This means that the word is explained in more detail in the corresponding footnote at the bottom of the page. Usually, these footnotes will elaborate on the precise grammatical nuances afforded by the Greek language, but will also provide historical, patristic, theological and practical comments on the verse or topic in question. Order Yours Today

04/15/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

April 15, 2020 1.        Further explanation of the Atonement. 2.        The hours of the events of the Crucifixion in Mark 15:25. 3.        How to respond to Baptists who say that drinking alcohol is a sin, and that wine in the Bible is grape juice? 4.        Will “ Not by Bread Alone ” and “ Not by Scripture Alone ” be available in hardcover? 5.        Robert, have you read “The Book of Destiny” by Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer? 6.        Comments on the recent SSPX drama between Taylor Marshall, Voris and the Gordon brothers. What is your take on the SSPX and the misinformation spread about them? 7.        Can you help me defend the Catholic doctrine of indulgences? Is this doctrine found in scripture anywhere? Did Jesus or the Apostles mention that there was repa...

04/14/20 Robert Sungenis Live - Protestant vs Catholic concepts on the Crucifixion; Expiation vs Propitiation; Dating of the New Testament books; How to pray according to God's will

1. The Passion of the Christ 2. Protestant vs Catholic concepts on the Crucifixion 3. Not By Bread Alone 4. Penal Substitution (Protestant View); Jesus suffered the punishment of sin 5. Forensic Justification 6. Expiation vs Propitiation 7. Dating of the New Testament books 8. General opinion of President Trump, his policies, his stance on Israel, etc. 9. Benedict XVI and his red shoes 10. What language was Pontius Pilate be speaking? 11. Easter on Saturday or Sunday? 12. How to pray according to God's will 13. Age of the universe 14. Victim souls

04/08/20 - Robert Sungenis Live

April 8, 2020 1.        Thanks to everyone that helped answer questions in the online chat! 2.        I would not limit Imprecatory Prayers solely to priests’ use. 3.        I don’t put much stock in The Great Monarch Prophecies. 4.        You need to be careful about Private Revelations. 5.        Where can we find the Church’s interpretation of certain difficult Bible passages? 6.        We should interpret the Bible literally unless it is impossible to do so. 7.        Please explain the double motion of the Moon in the geocentric model. 8.        What do you think about the experimental Coronavirus vaccine; and would you take it? 9.        Can God’s freedom and foreknowledge make sense to humans?...

04/07/20 Robert Sungenis Live - Our Lady of Fatima; Mark of the Beast; Is Judas in hell; James White on purgatory; Jesus had brothers and sisters; Baptism required?

1. Do you and Patrick Madrid still correspond with each other? I know you worked together in the past on books/programs. He has a show on Relevant Radio now. 2. 2010 debate with James White on purgatory on where the Bible distinguishes between bad works and sins. 3. Is Judas in hell? Can we say it without error? 4. What was Jesus relationship with Judas like? Was Judas predestined to betray our Lord in order that scripture might be fulfilled? 5. Do you think that the Mark of the Beast in Sacred Scripture ​could be a chip implanted in the hand or forehead that would need to be scanned for a person to buy or sell? 6. Can you talk about Consecration of Russia? You still hold a strong position on that or is it moot at this point? And the book you have with John Salza? 7. Is the filioque a semantical argument? 8. Can you clarify your position on Thomism? It seems the Leo XIII advocates for it in his encyclical Aeterni Patris, and in my life, correctly ordering my intellectual life...

04/01/20 Robert Sungenis Live! Ask Your Question! - Predestination or Not; Is God Free or Determined; 1000 year reign of Christ; How old is the Earth

1. Predestination or not. 2. Is God Free or Determined? 3. Any Church teachings about God hating sinners? (Ott) 4. Is a canonization infallible if the Church says so? 5. The Knights Templar: Good or evil? 6. Timothy Gordon: update 7. Did the Council of Trent leave the Canon open? 8. Philosophies of Aquinas vs. Kant 9. Has the Church condemned the “1000 year reign of Christ” theory? 10. How old is the Earth? What about radiocarbon dating?