04/29/20 - Robert Sungenis Live - Death Penalty, Adam and Eve, Ordinary Magisterium, JP2 is a Saint, Pangea, Old Covenant, Theology of the Body, James White
1. Comments on the Death Penalty. 2. Why did Adam and Eve became ashamed of their bodies? 3. What was “the knowledge of good and evil”? 4. Is the Ordinary Magisterium of the Catholic Church ALWAYS infallible? 5. Are the incorrupt bodies proof of saints and the supernatural faith of Catholicism? Because some claims there are incorrupt gurus too. 6. Do you believe JP2 is a Saint? 7. Did something like Pangea really exist hundreds of millions of years ago where all the continents were joined together? Or are the positions of all the continents today, the same as in the beginning of the world? 8. Can you be saved if you don’t go to Church but do the right things when making decisions? 9. In the Go...