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Showing posts from May, 2020

Jimmy Akin and the Unanimous Consent of the Fathers A Critique by Robert Sungenis

In Brett Salkeld’s paper, Creationism as a Conspiracy Theory, he makes a reference to Jimmy Akin’s article, “The ‘Unanimous Consent’ of the Church Fathers,” which was published in the August 17, 2018 issue of the National Catholic Register .  Since Akin’s thesis is a major plank of Salkeld’s thesis, I will make a point-by-point critique of Mr. Akin’s paper. Read Full Article (PDF)

Bishop Robert Barron and his Dubious Beliefs About Creation and the Bible

As an addition to my critique of Brett Salkeld’s “Catholic Creationism as a Conspiracy Theory,” I have included this critique of Bishop Barron since Salkeld makes reference to a video Bishop Barron produced on Youtube.1 Bishop Robert Barron is a product of his generation. He, like every other liberal of his time, believes we have ‘come of age,’ as the saying goes, and therefore we can dismiss the literal interpretation of Genesis that our forebears so diligently safeguarded for us. What he accuses his opponents of doing is what he himself is doing. Of course, he has his reasons for his modernistic interpretation and in his heart he believes he is defending the Bible and Catholicism. In reality, he is destroying our tradition and the trust we have placed in the Bible to give us inspired and inerrant divine revelation about human origins. Let’s hear Fr. Barron speak for himself (and I will critique him line-by-line) Read Full Article (PDF)

Poor Catholics So Deceived about Evolution and the Bible A Critique of Brett Salkeld's Creationism as a Conspiracy Theory

As my patrons know, I have been dealing with the subject of creationism v. evolution for the last 40 years. Although I have not written a book specifically on evolution, I have included critiques of it in my books, Scientific Heresies and A Commentary on Genesis 1-11, in addition to numerous treatments in published and unpublished articles. After reading Salkeld’s paper, I was amazed at the total misrepresentation of the creation side of the story and the modern science that backs it up. I was also alarmed by Bishop Robert Barron, who Salkeld cites for support, with his cavalier attitude of Scripture; and how Jimmy Akin, who Salkeld also cites, takes sides against the traditional requirement concerning the unanimous consent of the Fathers. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when I read Salkeld had the audacity to accuse creationists of being part of a “conspiracy theory,” yet, by his own admission, he had refused to answer any of their challenges. It was then I decided to write ...

05/26/20 - Robert Sungenis Live - God’s role in the Covid-19, doctrine of justification, Jesuits, Coriolis, Evolution & Catholic Answers, sins against the Holy Ghost, Old Testament sacrifice, Indulgences, capitalism, socialism and communism, Hail full of grace, kecharitomene

May 26, 2020 1. What is God’s role in the Covid-19 situation? 2. Do Protestant apologists believe that everyone got the doctrine of justification wrong for 1,500 years until Luther? 3. Have you read Jonathan Sarfati's book The Genesis Account? I know you wrote a similar book. 4. Why were the Jesuits suppressed from 1773-1814? 5. In the geocentric system, if the Coriolis is a force, where does it come from? 6. What force keeps the distant stars in orbit around the Earth, but also doesn't crush us? 7. How can we prove to a non-believer that the Church is a divine institution whose claims are true? This person doesn't accept Scripture, as it was compiled by the Church herself. 8. Can Catholics believe in Evolution or do we have to take Genesis literally? I have heard from apologists of Catholic Answers that the Church allows the faithful to choose whether they want to believe in Evolution or not. 9. Fr. Ripperger suggests that DNA degradation is a short-cut way to p...

Dr. James R. White On the Work of Calvary Supports the Theology of the Catholic Mass

Robert Sungenis  referenced this passage in tonight's broadcast. He referred to it as "couldn't have been written better by Thomas Aquinas" clearly expressing the Catholic theology of the Mass. Except it wasn't written by Thomas Aquinas. It was written by reformed Baptist apologist, professor, and elder, Dr. James R White , of Alpha and Omega Ministries . He's debated most of the Catholic apologists out there. "The terms “offering” and “sacrifice” come straight from the Levitical concepts of sacrifice in the law. The writer of Hebrews also used this kind of language in describing the work of Christ: “But when Christ appeared as high priest of the good things to come, (He entered) through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made by hands, that is, not of this creation, neither did he enter the holy place once for all through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, having obtained eternal redemption.” (Hebrews 9:11-12) On wh...

05/20/20 - Robert Sungenis Live - Hebrews 10:10, Reformed Protestants, propitiation, penal substitution, St. Paul considered an Apostle, Earth is the largest object in the universe, Nephilim, Ukrainian Catholic Church, Dr. Danny Faulkner, dinosaurs, Catechism, NASA, hardback books, Divine Mercy, Latin Mass, AA, Anti Christ, Judas is in hell

1.       In Hebrews 10:10, how does the verb ‘sanctified’ (in the passive past participle tense) mean that the ‘once-for-all’ sacrifice was actually performed once in the bloody manner (on the Cross) and must be continually repeated in a different manner (in the Mass)? I do not see how this would be convincing to my reformed Protestant friends who will say that we are continually sanctified because Jesus died ‘once’ on the Cross and then gave us the Holy Spirit. Of course they believe that the Mass is not a sacrifice, and Jesus’ once-for-all sacrifice is sufficient for our sanctification. I think I’m missing something in your argument about the tenses of the verb ‘sanctified’. 2.       What is the most convincing argument against reform Protestants on the topic of propitiation? How do we argue against the Reformer’s concept of Jesus’ death as our penal substitution? 3.       Is St. Paul considered an Apo...

05/19/20 - Robert Sungenis Live - James Akin’s book on Justification, Rosary and the Scapular, Georges Lemaître, suffering, Crusades or the Inquisition, Christ’s sufferings, Dimond Brothers, St. Alphonsus Liguori vs Aquinas, Philip Schaff & James White, James 2:24

1.       Extensive discussion on James Akin’s book on Justification. 2.       What do you think about the phrase (attributed to Our Lady): “Through the Rosary and the Scapular I will save the world.”? 3.       What is the craziest thing you’ve ever read that a Saint said or did? 4.       What is your opinion of Georges Lemaître ? 5.       What is the purpose of suffering? 6.       Would you describe yourself as a peleo-conservative in regard to politics, like Pat Buchannan? 7.       Response to: “ To oppose evolution when there was no theological or scriptural reason to do so damaged the credibility of the faith in the modern world.” 8.       How can we know what parts of what a pope says are infallible? 9.       How would you defend the Church...

05/13/20 - Robert Sungenis Live - Jimmy Akin and Faith and Works Controversy, E. Michael Jones, Hail Marys to Pay for Heaven, un-baptized babies, and more

May 13, 2020 1. Comments on Matt 16:28 concerning Christ’s coming judgment upon men’s works. 2. Comments on the August blessedness of our immaculate Virgin Mother? 3. On Catholic Answers Live, Jimmy Akin [apparently] said that it's a "misconception", esp. amongst Catholics, that the Church teaches that faith and works are required for salvation. Jimmy Akin went on to say [apparently] that faith alone does not save, nor works alone either. So, faith alone doesn't save, works alone doesn't save (we already know these two), and faith and works don't save. So, what does save? 4. Comments on the works of E. Michael Jones? 5. In our Catholic Tradition, who crushed the serpent's head? Was it the Blessed Mother, or our Lord? 6. Comments about St. Louis de Montfort writing that it was an abomination that our Lord would say you can pay your way to Heaven by saying Hail Marys. 7. Is there a video or part of a video on the Foucault Pendulum? 8. Can one be 100...

05/12/20 - Robert Sungenis Live - Canon Law 844, Penance, six days of Creation, 3 Days from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, Movie Risen, Dr. David Anders, Taxes, Separation of Races

1.       Comments on the 1983 Code of Canon Law 844 Paragraph 4 which allows the sacraments of penance, the anointing of the sick and Holy Communion to non-Catholics who manifest Catholic faith. 2.       Comments on the six days of Creation? 3.       Is Usury sin? 4.       How do we get from Good Friday to Easter Sunday when the Bible says Jesus was in the tomb for three days and three nights as it says in Matthew 12:40? 5.       Comments regarding vaccines. Are they safe? Is there a vaccine conspiracy? 6.       Can you explain in what form or fashion God speaks to Catholics and how we are to understand this? Pentecostals talk about “God speaking to them”, and they seem to have a loose understanding of prophecy. 7.       What do you think of the movie Risen? Why does there not seem to be many ...

05/06/20 - Robert Sungenis Live - infallibility of doctrines, how we should live our faith, conversion of the Jewish people, Divine Mercy, Communion in the hand, Savanorola, being sued, Orthodox CCD class, Greek exegetical, God changing His mind, Protestant Bibles, How the Bible developed, VFP, NT canon, infallible teachings, Genesis 5 and 11, Free Will, excommunication, Syllabus of Errors, Index of Forbidden Books

1.       Discussion on various topics including the infallibility of doctrines. 2.       After you’re shutdown on YT and we can’t get the sacraments anywhere, what is your advice on how we should live our faith? Should we look to martyrs, live like monastics or both? 3.       In the End Times, will there be a massive conversion of the Jewish people to the Catholic Faith? 4.       Do we have the right to reject the Divine Mercy revelation? Pius XII and John XXIII condemned the work. Now Divine mercy is everywhere. 5.       If, when mass comes back, they decide to only make communion available to take only in the hand, are you going to go along with it? 6.       Dr. Sungenis, what are your thoughts on Savanorola? Is he a good example for how to act in the face of a debauched, abusive hierarchy, or an example of private opinion...

05/05/20 - Robert Sungenis Live - Theology of the Body, Conclave, Jesus' medical cause of death, Mary Spouse to Joseph and Holy Spirit, 2 Peter 3:14-18, papal infallibility, the development of doctrine, Eden, etc

1.       1-hour+ discussion on Theology of the Body. 2.       Can you explain the Conclave; the votes, the smoke and all the nuances? How and when did this process develop? 3.       When Our Lord died on the Holy Cross, what was the actual medical cause of his death? 4.       If Mary is the spouse of the Holy Ghost, how can she be the spouse of St. Joseph at the same time? 5.       Why don’t Catholic apologists use 2 Peter 3:14-18 more often against Protestant quote miners? 6.       Was the blessed Mother with the apostles in the upper room during Pentecost? 7.       Do you think that the papal infallibility Ed decrees of Vatican I are used as a smokescreen to distract from the decrees on faith and reason sometimes? Especially ... in regards to modernism and Canon 4 paragraph 3 of Vatican I: “If an...

Catholic Zionism: Contradiction in Terms

In the January 2020 issue of First Things, a new phrase was coined to advance the ecumenical efforts between Jews and Catholics. That phrase is “Catholic Zionism,” appearing here in the literature for the first time, to my knowledge. It seeks to make itself the Catholic version of the more common “Christian Zionism” by divesting itself of the apocalyptic dimensions of the latter but continuing to advance the idea that God still owes land to the Jews and has been fulfilling that promise by giving them the present land of Palestine. The full title is: “Catholic Zionism: The Jewish State is a Sign of God’s Fidelity,” written by Gavin D’Costa. The author tries to convince his reader that Catholics should help in this divine endeavor and by doing so they become “Catholic Zionists.” DOWNLOAD PDF

The Death Penalty: Admissible or Inadmissible? A Response to Tim Staples and Catholic Answers

The Death Penalty: Admissible or Inadmissible? A Response to Tim Staples and Catholic Answers Some of my patrons have asked me to give my analysis to a paper Tim Staples wrote last year regarding Pope Francis’ change to the Catholic Catechism on the death penalty. Mr. Staples’paper can be found at‐francis‐and‐the‐death‐penalty As most know, Tim Staples works for Catholic Answers. Although Catholic Answers has done much good in teaching people about Catholicism, like all of us, it is certainly not infallible and is not an official organ of the church. In some cases, the answers Catholic Answers gives are not the best Catholic answers. Catholic Answers has developed a reputation for siding with the teachings and practices of the modern Catholic hierarchy over against the teachings and practices of the traditional Catholic church to the extent that almost anything the modern popes say or do is defended as true, good and wholesome. In fact, things t...