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Showing posts from April, 2021


Joe,   The Greek of Luke 1:28 is kecaritwmevnh , which is transliterated kecharitomene. It is a Greek perfect,  passive, participle, literally meaning “having been graced,” which is from the active indicative verb,  caritovw , which means “to grace, to favor, to exalt.” The Greek ejcarivtwsen (the indicative, active,  aorist), which means “he graced us,” is used in Ephesians 1:6, and there it refers to our salvation, so we  know that the verb has a New Testament precedent for being used in a verbal form which refers to the  presence of grace in the individual. The LXX at Ecclesiasticus 18:17 ( ajndri; kecharitwomevnw/ ) uses the  exact morphology of Luke 1:28 in the dative case but only the adjectival sense (a “gracious man”). Other  derivatives in the LXX appear in 2Macc 3:33 (the deponent verb, kecavristai , which means “to grant,  give, deal graciously with, forgive, pardon”); and 4Macc 5:8 (the same deponent form as in 2Macc 3:33...

Why the Earth Isn't Flat!


From the Archives: Issues on Soteriology and Atonement - A Response to Benjamin Douglass

Issues on Soteriology and Atonement A Response to Benjamin Douglass This is a response to comments Benjamin Douglass recently put on his website. Mr. Douglass: Dear all, I was Sungenis’ Vice President for about two years, so I know his theological views fairly well. There is nothing unorthodox in the views on justification as expressed in Not By Faith Alone. This is clear from the endorsements it received from the entire community of Catholic apologists. Sungenis’ exegesis of St. Paul’s phrase “works of the law” is controversial. He argues that it refers to any works performed on a principle of debt and obligation, whereas other Catholics will argue that it refers to works of the Torah. However, both opinions are within the pale. R. Sungenis: It seems that Mr. Douglass’ attempt here is to make it appear as if: (1) I am in the minority of Catholics who hold the view that “works of law” refers to any work one performs by his own merit to attain justification, and (2) that there...