Robert Sungenis' Review of: Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Catholic Church: Are We Alone in the Universe with God and the Angels? Authored by Paul Thigpen
Review of: Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Catholic Church: Are We Alone in the Universe with God and the Angels? Authored by Paul Thigpen, published by Tan Books, 2022 ISBN: 978-1-5051-2013-4, hardback Reviewed by Robert Sungenis September 2, 2022 Buckle up and prepare for a wild ride. After a lifelong contemplation of the subject, popular author Paul Thigpen has decided to make a case for aliens living on other worlds, and perhaps visiting ours. Catholics will be interested in what he has to say because Paul attempts to use scriptural, magisterial, and traditional sources to support his pro-alien view. The book is 433 pages, half of which is an historical overview of the subject from Plato to Pope John Paul II. The research it must have taken to collect and collate everyone who ever had a published thought about aliens is remarkable. I think Paul’s is the first book to do so. So if you want a “Who’s Who?” on which side someone was in the deba...