“The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History” A Review By Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D.
“The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
and Its Impact on World History”
A Review By Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D.
(NB: This review appears in the May 2008 issue
of Culture Wars)
• Hardcover: 1,200 pages
• Cost: $48.00 plus $8.00 S&H
• ISBN: 0-929891-07-4
• Publisher: Fidelity Press
• Order #: 574-289-9786
Reviewing a work as long (1000+ pages), as detailed (1000+ footnotes), and as provocative (the Jews) as E. Michael Jones’ book, The Revolutionary Jew is certainly no easy task, but it has been one of the most enriching and mind-opening endeavors I have ever undertaken. To do justice to this wonderful work would take a book in itself. I will quote from it extensively if for nothing else than to lead you to those pages and its surrounding context so that you will read them for yourself. So packed is it with mind-numbing facts and insightful commentary that one is tempted to embark on a trip to a remote place and lock oneself up in a room and absorb every word. When the excursion is over, one’s whole view of the world will be dramatically changed. You will see the inner workings of life that only a genius the likes of Dr. Jones, unclouded by the lust for power, fame or fortune, and spurred on only by his sincere and undying love for Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, could give you. Not only will it change you, but this book has the potential of changing the world. Note well, the revelations you are about to read in Jones’ book are not things you will ever hear in a history class at Berkeley or on the website of the Anti-Defamation League. Be prepared to be shocked and awed. My recommendation is: stop what you are doing, purchase the book, and don’t come back to civilization until you’ve completed it. It is that good. But let me also warn you. Like me, after seeing the utter devastation that has been done to our society and especially its root causes, you may find yourself weeping by the time you get to the end, even as Jesus once did when he wept for Jerusalem.