It's not often that I step into the social crises confronting the secular world, but the COVID-19 crisis has become a dire exception. I have never seen such blatant manipulation of scientific data as I have seen with COVID. While feigning help to Americans by insisting we wear masks and social distance (which even some of their own experts admit doesn't really have the ability to mitigate COVID to any substantial degree, which then promoted Dr. Fouci, just yesterday, to say we should all wear goggles instead of masks), they impugn the use of a simple drug, hydroxychloroquine, that has proven to be an effective remedy to COVID, at least in the early stages when someone discovers he has been infected, and certainly as a preventive measure to stop the COVID virus from doing any harm at all. Instead, they accuse long-time medical professionals who recommend hydroxychloroquine as being quacks and charlatans, even though taking this well-established drug, that has had a grea...
ROBERT SUNGENIS // Theologian, Catholic Apologist, Scripture Scholar