July 7, 2020
1. What do you think of
Mother Angelica?
2. Could you please
elaborate on why you keep referring to the biblical people as The Jews?
3. What do you know about
the claims in the protoevangelium of James that St. Joseph actually had children
from another marriage before being wedded to the Virgin Mary?
4. In the genealogies of
Genesis 5-11, are there gaps that can span many generations?
5. What’s your prayer
routine like? Do you practice Lectio Divina and contemplative prayer?
6. Were you aware that
Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right is on Amazon for $588.84?
7. Is it true that I should
not go to a Catholic family member’s wedding if they marry a Protestant in a
Protestant church?
8. Can you give me any advice
to help me stop worrying?
9. What should Catholics
make of The All Seeing Eye symbol?
10. Do you have a favorite
Japanese cartoon?
11. Can you give a brief
timeline of your journey into geocentrism?
12. How do I respond to a
Protestant who tells me I need to be re-baptized because I’m Catholic, and says
that babies aren’t in faith?
13. Where in the Bible will I
find passages that say that socialism and communism are the incorrect way to be
14. How would you answer the
objection against the Papacy that there was not a singular bishop of Rome until
about 150 AD?
15. Is Matthew 28:1 a good
argument in support of Sunday worship? Because it mentions two Sabbaths, the
other being Mia Ton Sabbaton.
16. What do you think of the
Nephilim, since angelic beings can’t procreate?
17. How do you explain 1 John
5:1? At first glance it seems to mean the regeneration; but this can only
happen at baptism.
18. If Trump made you head of
NASA and gave you all the funds needed to do any experiment to prove
geocentrism … what would you do?
19. What is your disagreement
with Fr. Robinson’s Realists Guide to Science and Religion?
20. So you have an opinion on
the physical location of Hell? Is it in the center of the earth?
21. What are your thoughts on
Katherine Emrick saying Hell is a planet obscured by the Earth?
22. Have you ever considered
debating Fr. Robert Spitzer on evolution?
23. Can you give your opinion of
servile work on Sundays, such as tidying up?
24. How do we argue against
atheists, archeologists and historians who say that Old Testament Judaism was
influenced into existence by the teachings of Zoroastrianism?