Darwin, Newton, and Einstein: At the End of Their Rope
Cell phones, ipods, GPS, the Internet, computers, telescopes, microscopes, and even Federal Express
envelopes. Our technological gadgets have certainly made life a lot easier for most of us. In the last 100
years mankind has harnessed electricity the likes of which no one before him had ever dreamed. We can
do little but stand back and marvel. We marvel even more when we discover how simple the devices are.
Most of these technologies are offshoots of one basic discovery – digital processing using zeroes and
ones, or “on and off” switches, that operate at lightning speed. Once you discover the core principle you
can modify it in multitudinous ways. It is similar to discovering a theme in music. Beethoven, after
agonizing for thirty years, finally found the basic 15-note musical structure for his ninth symphony. It was
then just a matter of applying and reapplying that theme in a dozen different ways to give us his beautiful
melody. Applying the themes is easy; finding the themes is difficult. It is a combination of inspiration and
imagination that no one can quite put his finger on as to where it originates in the human mind.
Darwin Predictions Unrealized
So, in one sense, we can certainly marvel over the advances of science. But there is a darker side to
consider – the side in which interpretations of the scientific data are heavily influenced by one’s world
view or general philosophy. Although somehow the latest polls show that scientists retain an image of
impeccable honesty (as opposed to used car salesmen), the reality is, most scientists are inordinately
influenced by atheism, and their interpretations of the data which they see in their microscopes and
telescopes follows accordingly. Scientific American did a study a few years ago and found about 90% of
published scientists are atheists. Those who believe in God are forced either to keep silent or capitulate to
the reigning paradigm. Take Darwin’s theory of evolution, for example. Darwin predicted that, if his
theory were true, we should find intermediate fossils all over the earth (e.g., a fossil showing intermediate
stages between an amphibian and a reptile). To date, modern science hasn’t found one such specimen. So
bad is the dearth that the leading evolutionist of the twentieth century, Stephen Gould of Harvard,
proposed that evolution must now be modified to “punctuated equilibrium,” that is, that intermediary
stages happened so fast there wasn’t enough time for them to be fossilized! These
kinds of problems continue to plague evolutionary science. Volumes have been
written describing its teetering at the abyss of falsification by such reputable
critics as Behe, Demski, Gish, Berthault, and many others.
Recently, one of evolution’s more glaring anomalies surfaced with the discovery
of soft tissue in the carcass of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The story was covered by
Scientific American in its December 2010 issue, with the title “Blood from
Stone.” The story is written by field researcher Mary Schweitzer of North
Carolina State University who, after excavating the T-rex, watched the crane
accidentally break one of its bones. When Dr. Schweitzer looked inside, to her absolute astonishment she
saw not only blood cells but the veins and arteries to carry them, which vessels she described as very
pliable and resilient as if they were still fresh (see Video #7 at catholicintl.com). But because evolution
must fit all past events into a pre-arranged timetable, it has always insisted that a T-Rex cannot be less
than 68 million years old. Yet modern biological science says, even with the best efforts of preservation,
nucleated blood cells couldn’t survive even 7,000 years, much less 10,000 times that age.