Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World
By Christopher Bollyn
Reviewed by Robert A. Sungenis, Sr., Ph.D,
May 11, 2012
Christopher Bollyn is an investigative journalist. His degree is in history from the University of California, with an emphasis on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. He also spent several years in Europe and the Middle East. Mr. Bollyn’s latest investigative venture concerns the 911 attacks and is by far his most significant work. One can judge its significance by the fact that after writing extensively on 911 for five years, Bollyn was attacked at his home by three heavily-armed undercover policemen who administered a 50,000 volt TASAR gun on him in August 2006, in front of his wife and children. They neither revealed why they were trying to arrest him nor read him his Miranda rights. At the trial, they made up a bogus charge that Bollyn was resisting arrest and had assaulted them. The three men gave a fabricated testimony on the witness stand after which the judge in Chicago dismissed them. The bias of the judge was clear when he did not allow Bollyn’s expert witness to testify. Bollyn later discovered that the judge was Hyman Riebman, a known Jewish Zionist who, by this time, knew that Bollyn had been writing on 911 for some time and implicating Jewish Zionists.1 Bollyn has also been maligned by the Jewish controlled media for his investigations into 911, especially CNN and FOX News, who,2 although they gave him an interview, it became obvious by their questions, Bollyn says, that “all they really wanted to do was to try to smear me as an anti-semite.”3 The ADL also got their licks in, smearing the newspaper he wrote for, American Free Press, as a “conspiratorial and anti-semitic weekly newspaper” which “repeatedly turned to the subject of the 911 attacks as grist for its mill.” None of this stopped Bollyn, of course. It just made him more convinced he was on the right track. Almost as if he had been chosen to do this investigation, he writes of his “wife’s vivid dream about our family being attacked by airplanes, which she experienced a few days before the attacks,” a dream she told her husband as they “drove though New York City in the early morning hours of September 11, 2001, about 7 hours before the first plane struck the North Tower.”