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How the World Was Made in Six Days is a documentary series that takes the best of the relevant teachings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the best conclusions from modern scientific experiments and theories, and the best interpretations of Scripture based on a thorough exegesis of the original Hebrew and Greek texts, and puts them all together to produce the most biblically sound and scientifically viable explanation of the origin and operation of the universe that Christianity has ever offered to the modern age. ORDER HERE

"Did God create aliens? A critique of the new book by Paul Thigpen “Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Catholic Faith" (MP3)

Did God create aliens? A critique of the new book by Paul Thigpen “Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Catholic Faith” Download it here

Robert Sungenis' Review of: Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Catholic Church: Are We Alone in the Universe with God and the Angels? Authored by Paul Thigpen

Review of:  Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Catholic Church: Are We Alone in the Universe with God and the Angels? Authored by Paul Thigpen, published by Tan Books, 2022  ISBN: 978-1-5051-2013-4, hardback  Reviewed by Robert Sungenis September 2, 2022  Buckle up and prepare for a wild ride. After a lifelong contemplation of the subject, popular author Paul Thigpen has decided to make a case for aliens living on other worlds, and perhaps visiting ours. Catholics will be interested in what he has to say because Paul attempts to use scriptural, magisterial, and traditional sources to support his pro-alien view. The book is 433 pages, half of which is an historical overview of the subject from Plato to Pope John Paul II.  The research it must have taken to collect and collate everyone who ever had a published thought about aliens is remarkable. I think Paul’s is the first book to do so. So if you want a “Who’s Who?” on which side someone was in the deba...

Catholic Answers’ Heterodox Position on Biblical Inerrancy

Catholic Answers’ Heterodox Position on Biblical Inerrancy  Written by Robert Sungenis  October 4, 2022  Source: The following is a fictional dialogue crafted by Michael Lofton who is employed by Catholic Answers. It is critiqued by Robert Sungenis, director of Catholic Apologetics International Elijah: I’ve been looking into the Catholic perspective, and I came across this massive debate on whether or not the Second Vatican Council affirmed or denied inerrancy.  Seraphim: I can imagine. This is a really complex issue. Let’s start by defining our terms. What do you mean by inerrancy?  Elijah: Well, that is just the thing! I’m not sure I have a proper definition. However, for the moment, let’s use this as a working definition: inerrancy means there are no errors in the Bible.  Seraphim: We will certainly need to tweak that definition.  Elijah: How come? Did Va...

Welcome to

  Robert Sungenis, Ph.D. Founder, President Robert Sungenis is an international author, lecturer, debater, producer, and founder of Catholic Apologetics International Publishing, Inc., a non-profit corporation dedicated to teaching and defending the Catholic faith.  He holds advanced degrees in Theology and Religious Studies, from George Washington University; Westminster Theological Seminary; and Calamus International University. He was the chairman of Stellar Motion Pictures, LLC in West Hollywood, California, which produced movies for scientific and religious audiences. He is the creator, executive producer and actor in the movie, The Principle, which appeared in AMC and Regal Cinemas in October 2014 through April 2015. Robert is also the executive producer, writer and director of the movie, Journey to the Center of the Universe, which was released on DVD in September 2015. See Robert’s IMDB page at the IMDB website. Robert is presently working on t...

Catholic Creationism's Reply: Jimmy Akin on Evolution, Critiqued by Robert Sungenis

This video critiques the position of Catholic apologist, Jimmy Akin, regarding his support of evolution and long ages. Mr. Akin's views are taken from a recent debate he had with Gideon Lazar in February 2022. Robert Sungenis' comments against Mr. Akin are to supplement Mr. Lazar's comments, and they are limited to the Opening Statement that Mr. Akin gave during the debate. In addition, Robert Sungenis comments on Mr. Akin's recent interview produced by Matt Fradd regarding Akin's attempt to explain how polygenism coordinates with Catholic doctrine on origins. The whole video is approximately two hours long. Many topics are discussed, such as biblical inerrancy, biblical interpretation, statements from popes and councils and the Church fathers, as well as many science topics, such as: radiometry, fossils, the geologic column, ape-to-man evolution, dinosaurs and Carbon 14 testing, the speed of light, Special and General relativity, the Big Bang, and many other topics...

2/9/22 - Robert Sungenis Live

February 9, 2022 1. Pope Francis said apostates, persecutors, and blasphemers are part of the “communion of saints”. Was this material heresy? A man then called him out by yelling at him. Was the man justified? 2. Does the Pauline privilege require a dispensation from the diocese prior to a Catholic marriage & do you know what the process entails? 3. What is the lesson we can learn from the Sacrifice that Jephthah made in the book of judges, because isn't God against child sacrifice? 4. What precise physical change to the earth at the Fall of Man do you think caused the earth to be cursed and no longer produce crops without labor and toil? 5. Father John Hardon said: “The moral law doesn’t change because God is unchangeable”. How does your thesis of a changeable God relate to the above statement? Isn’t moral innovation dangerous? 6. What is your opinion on SSPX Marian Corps out of Kentucky and Bishop Joseph Phieffer? Are their sacraments valid? 7....

2/2/22 - Robert Sungenis Live

Robert Sungenis LIVE! Ask Your Questions Index of Topics and Questions for February 2, 2022 1. Sister Lucia’s identity, Fatima’s fulfillment and the Mazza debate. (20 minute discussion). 2. Why do Freemasons keep their ritual secret? Who is at the very top? Why do many scientists choose to become members? 3. If an improper Baptism is done, what is the state of the person’s soul before God? 4. Given that penal substitution is wrong for various reasons, how do we explain Gal 3:13 where Christ is a “curse”? 5. If God changes his mind, couldn’t the OT passages just be a type of the change God undergoes after the propitiatory sacrifice of Jesus on the cross? 6. Aside from any Catholic angle, do you think the American Revolution against Britain was justified and that George Washington should be honored as he is? 7. If the Sun and outer planets are moving so fast around the Earth, why isn't this detected in timestamps of radio signals from distant probe...

Critique of Barry Setterfield’s “What About Geocentrism?” by Robert Sungenis, Ph.D.

Although I admire many of the Protestant creationists (including Barry Setterfield) for their stance on Six‐Day creationism and their adherence to the obligation to be faithful to the biblical text, it is precisely that obligation that is ignored when they come to the topic of geocentrism. Most of them don’t know the Hebrew grammar and thus confine their research to doing elementary “word‐studies” of Hebrew words, and even those “studies” are usually off‐kilter and incomplete. The above attempt by Setterfield is no exception. As we will see later, Setterfield’s presumed expert in Hebrew, Bernard Northrup, is even worse since he makes assertions about Hebrew grammar that are quite erroneous. To begin, I will give a verse by verse exposé so that we can see that there is more to understanding the Hebrew scriptures than is being told to you by Setterfield or Northrup. READ MORE, DOWNLOAD PDF

Darwin, Newton, and Einstein: At the End of Their Rope

Darwin, Newton, and Einstein: At the End of Their Rope Cell phones, ipods, GPS, the Internet, computers, telescopes, microscopes, and even Federal Express envelopes. Our technological gadgets have certainly made life a lot easier for most of us. In the last 100 years mankind has harnessed electricity the likes of which no one before him had ever dreamed. We can do little but stand back and marvel. We marvel even more when we discover how simple the devices are. Most of these technologies are offshoots of one basic discovery – digital processing using zeroes and ones, or “on and off” switches, that operate at lightning speed. Once you discover the core principle you can modify it in multitudinous ways. It is similar to discovering a theme in music. Beethoven, after agonizing for thirty years, finally found the basic 15-note musical structure for his ninth symphony. It was then just a matter of applying and reapplying that theme in a dozen different ways to give us his beautiful mel...

Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World : Reviewed by Robert A. Sungenis, Sr., Ph.D

Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World By Christopher Bollyn Reviewed by Robert A. Sungenis, Sr., Ph.D,  May 11, 2012 Christopher Bollyn is an investigative journalist. His degree is in history from the University of California, with an emphasis on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. He also spent several years in Europe and the Middle East. Mr. Bollyn’s latest investigative venture concerns the 911 attacks and is by far his most significant work. One can judge its significance by the fact that after writing extensively on 911 for five years, Bollyn was attacked at his home by three heavily-armed undercover policemen who administered a 50,000 volt TASAR gun on him in August 2006, in front of his wife and children. They neither revealed why they were trying to arrest him nor read him his Miranda rights. At the trial, they made up a bogus charge that Bollyn was resisting arrest and had assaulted them. The three men gave a fabricated testimony on the witn...

Ambiguities in USCCB Committee’s Critique of “Reflections” Document

Ambiguities in USCCB Committee’s Critique of “Reflections” Document  By Robert Sungenis, Ph.D.  Committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), in a document jointly issued on June 18 by the Committee on Doctrine and Pastoral Practice and the Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, has stepped in and attempted to correct some of the theological errors that have been created in the wake of the Catholic-Jewish dialogue. Although it took the USCCB seven years to officially recognize the problems in Reflections, as the saying goes, it is better late than never. In 2002, except for a brief criticism by Rosalind Moss published by Catholic Answers, our apostolate was one of the few that had written a detailed and comprehensive critique of Reflections, titled Conversion of the Jews Not Necessary?1 In it we not only critiqued Reflections for its theological errors, we also showed some of the controversial history of the Catholic-Jewish dialogue, beg...