June 30, 2020 1. Discussion on Faith and Works 2. Clarification of Ishmael’s age. 3. Is it a sin to want to be rich to take care of my family and future grandchildren? 4. Do you have any interesting or funny stories with James White behind the scenes? Would you ever consider going on his show the Dividing line? 5. Is a baptism by a non-Catholic valid? 6. Do you have a solution to the high shipping costs of your books sent to other continents? 7. How would you reconcile the creation account of Genesis 1 and 2? 8. How can we answer Born Again Christians saying works are not necessary for salvation? The passage they use is the Good Thief on the cross. 9. How do you think some...
ROBERT SUNGENIS // Theologian, Catholic Apologist, Scripture Scholar