June 23, 2020
1. Solomon was given 666
talents of gold, and lived an extremely wicked life after God had granted him
so much wisdom. The Bible never tells us he repented. Could he be
"resurrected" and be the future antichrist since the man of sin will
sit himself in the temple of God which Solomon built, and his connection to
2. Genesis says that Abraham
sent Hagar away putting the “child” Ishmael on her back and yet he must have
been a late teenager by then. Does this episode indicate a Bible contradiction?
3. Why do the Catholic 10
Commandments differ from the Protestants 10 Commandments?
4. What is absolutely
necessary from the penitent and the priest for a confession to be valid?
5. What would be the best
argument to debunk “contradictions” in the Bible?
6. Did the Blessed Virgin
Mary really die?
7. Where can I find your
"The Genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11" Apologetics Commentary?
8. Are you aware that Amazon
as delisted and removed all of E Michael Jones books and e-books from their
9. Exod. 20 25 says not to
make an altar out of stone, or steps up to the altar. How do you reconcile
those practices in our current Catholic Churches?
10. What is the Church’s
teaching on tithing? Can I choose to tithe in another way?
11. Why are some defending some
of V2 documents that contain Novelties?
12. Do you think that the hole
in the ozone layer can be explained by the flood? Or is it really from all my
cans of hairspray?
13. What is the spiritual
meaning of buying and selling as used in the Bible?
14. How tall do you think the
Giants were? Do you think there is any significance to the genetic mutations of
the man of great size who had six fingers and toes, in 2 Samuel 21:20?
15. What’s your take on BLM, do
you think it’s a proxy of the left to install an anti-Christian new world
16. Regarding Sedevacantism:
wouldn't the word ‘manifest’ mean the pope would have to actually formally
leave the faith (such as become a Protestant)?
17. Why do so many reject the
Gospel, while some hear the Gospel and repent?
18. Is there any biblical basis
for the Catholic teaching of the Particular Judgment after death?
19. Can you explain Acts: 1-26?
It seems like superstition to choose another Apostle by casting lots.
20. What would you say to
someone who says that Pentecost preachers who say the same words of
consecration that Catholic priests do, are equal to Catholic priests? What
distinguishes a Catholic priest from a Pentecostal preacher?