June 30, 2020
1. Discussion on Faith and
2. Clarification of
Ishmael’s age.
3. Is it a sin to want to be
rich to take care of my family and future grandchildren?
4. Do you have any interesting or funny
stories with James White behind the scenes? Would you ever consider going on
his show the Dividing line?
5. Is a baptism by a
non-Catholic valid?
6. Do you have a solution to
the high shipping costs of your books sent to other continents?
7. How would you reconcile
the creation account of Genesis 1 and 2?
8. How can we answer Born
Again Christians saying works are not necessary for salvation? The passage they
use is the Good Thief on the cross.
9. How do you think some
ancient people moved heavy objects we can't move today?
10. In Einstein's special
relativity theory, what does “the mass has to increase” mean? Does the object
get heavier as it accelerates?
11. Will your new Catholic
Exegetical Commentary have an apologetics commentary for every NT book?
12. Is there anything in the
Bible that would tell us why men and women can't agree on what temperature to
set the thermostat to?
13. Can you define the Catholic
view of Legalism? Catholics are often accused of legalism due to Sunday
obligation, etc.
14. Dr. Sungenis, Are you
supportive of the traditional Catholic movement?
15. Is it fair to say that the
"conservative" Catholic movement seems to have turned away from the
faith? They seem to have adopted a Lutheran view of justification and seem to
have exiled you.
16. What advice would you give
for increasing your trust in God when you don't have any hope for you
circumstances to change?
17. Can you please explain what
the Ether is as simply and straightforwardly as possible? How does it differ
from 'space'?
18. Has mainstream science ever
explained or rebutted the 1925 Michelson-Gale experiment that seems to prove
Ether exists and light speed isn't absolute, or has it just been memory holed?
19. What is your opinion on
Protestant young earth creationists like Kent Hovind and Ken Ham? Should we
listen to these people? Is what they say accurate?
20. Regarding Bishop Vigano’s
letter and your comments; Does this excuse popes before 1960 for not doing the
consecration of Russia?
21. Could scientists do an
experiment that would either prove the earth is moving or isn’t? Is it even
possible to prove this given current technology?
22. Have you ever read Foxe’s
Book of Martyrs? It turns into a largely anti-Catholic polemic. Is there any
truth to how the deaths are recorded as attributed to Popes against Christians
in this work?