June 16, 2020
1. Discussion about
Archbishop Viganò.
2. What do the secular
scientists say about the Axis of Evil? Do they accept that it exists or do they
attempt to explain it away somehow?
3. What is the counsel of
4. What does it mean when
the Bible says a woman is saved through childbearing?
5. Do Catholics believe in
salvation by grace alone?
6. Someone said God was a
Mother, not a Father. Have you heard of a crazy cult like this?
7. Did you know Lucifericans
are planning a march in many cities around the world on the June 21 solstice
next Sunday, to bring in one world government and the New World Order? Also
erecting statues of Baphomet in many cities in USA.
8. How mad would you be if
you're taken up to heaven, you look down, and see the Earth is flat and it's
riding on the back of a space tortoise?
9. Dr Sungenis, when you
write these papers critiquing Tim Staples, J. Akin, R. Barron, or even Abp.
Viganò, etc, do you send the papers directly to them?
10. Have you looked into the
claim that Ron Wyatt found Noah's Ark in Eastern Turkey? It’s called the
Durupinar site. If you have, do you think it is the real thing?
11. Could you recommend any
history books that are objectively correct and do not have any anti-Catholic
12. Sometimes I think Adam ate
the fruit from Eve because he loved her more than God and didn't want to be
separated from her? What do you think?
13. Is it ok to venerate Old
Testament Saints? Even Adam and Eve since they brought death and original sin?
14. You once said that what
UFO’s were man-made; but do you think there are some cases where these type of
sightings could be demonic or angelic in nature like in Exodus chapter 13 and
15. Can you explain Zion or
Zionist? Why do people use this term?
16. What are the main
differences between Franciscan and Dominican theology?
17. What are your thoughts on
wearing the face mask to mass for covid-19? Should we be wearing a mask when we
go to receive communion?
18. What are your thoughts
about communion in the hand versus on the tongue?
19. Do you believe that the
Prophet Elias and Enoch are still alive today waiting until the End of the
20. What percentage of the
scientific community espouses Geocentrism? Also what is your formal scientific
background? Do you have degrees in Astrophysics?
21. If I make donations via your
website and leave a message, will you get that? Or does someone else manage
that for you?
22. Do you recommend St.
Alphonsus' Moral Theology or is it too outdated?
23. How does the counsel of
Balkan relate to Our Blessed Lord’s words in Apocalypse 2:14?