June 9, 2020
1. Do you know of
any people that were Flat-Earthers who are not anymore due to your book or for
any other reason?
2. Did Our Lord
on the Cross “take away our infirmities and diseases”? as Matthew 8:17 says?
3. Can an
extremely “orthodox” person have a lack of charity so as still to be in a
spirit of disobedience?
4. Should I be
concerned about particles of the Eucharist on the floor at a Novus Ordo church
as many traditionalists tell me?
5. Do you believe
in the Shroud of Turin?
6. Was Christ
crucified on the wrist or hands? If wrist, how come Saints had it on the hands?
7. What is the
Catholic teaching on western medicine? Are Catholics permitted to take tablets
and painkillers like Tylenol to reduce pain? Or should Catholics instead bear
with the pain and offer it up to God and unite it to the suffering of Christ on
the cross?
8. Should a wife
always obey an abusive husband? When is she allowed to separate herself from an
abusive husband?
9. Would God
withhold a sacrament form a practicing Catholic who prays to receive it?
10. “Solve et
coagula": What did you make of Vigano's letter to Trump?
11. Why was the name
Jesus picked?
12. Please speak to
the inclusion of Greek philosophy in the Catholic tradition? I understand the
Greeks are correct insofar as they recognized the attributes of God as revealed
in the natural world, but without the revelation of the New Testament and the
Church they are far from having the fullness of truth.
13. How should we
respond when a Protestant says, “I don’t need a mediator between me and God, a
personal relationships is enough.”
14. How were mortal
sins forgiven in the Old Law (for example, King David)? Were animal sacrifices
enough to forgive sin? It seems not, as Paul says in Hebrews 10:4.
15. Should we really
believe in the biblical chronology of 6000 years? It’s not convincing based on
the evidence that we have.
16. Do you have any
insight or have you done any study on the link between birth control and the
numerous cases of breast cancer?
17. Can you explain
what the role of the bishop is as explained in Lumen Gentium vs. what Vatican I
gave us about papal infallibility?
18. What is the most
convincing piece of evidence against the Jehovah's witnesses and Seventh-day
Adventists who say that Jesus is St Michael the archangel?
19. If the earth was
spinning on its axis, what would it feel like? Would we know? What about planes,
would they always have to fly against the earth’s rotation to reach their
20. It against the
rules of your show to ask about other shows?
21. Would you
consider doing a live call-in question program like Catholic answers?
22. What is your
opinion of President Trump? I have a friend that worked in his campaign who
said he said he was a mason and did the 666 fingers.
23. Should we “call
no man a fool” as the word of God says?
24. Why should a wife
be submissive to her husband? Won't modern women find this offensive!
25. What do you think
of Michael Voris of the Vortex? The radio host of TradCatKnight says he’s
condoning modernism in the Church hierarchy.
26. What is your
opinion of G. Edward Griffin’s assertion that cancerous growth directly
correlates to a vitamin B17 nitriloside deficiency?
27. Can you tell us a
good religious joke?